You have talents that you might not be aware of, hidden from your view. In fact I believe there are two types of hidden talents, the first set are those known to others and not you. These are the things people come to you for because they know you can do them with ease. In fact the look to you for help in the area that you have talent, this can be things like, negotiating a deal, organizing a party, and communicating a complicated idea in easy to understand language. These are thing that are simple for you to do in fact you do not give a second thought to doing it. And that is the point. You don’t think about it but others do. They see you master these tasks and marvel at the way you do it. That is why I say the talent is hidden to you and known to others. Think about those things that others come to you for. I bet you can name them. Feel free to ask your friend and colleagues and write down what they say your talents are. Write them down on a piece of paper and look at them. What do they have in common? The one thing I guarantee that they have in common is that you enjoy using them. Please share with me in the comments what your talents are and how you enjoy using them.
Your Hidden Natural Talents That Others See
June 1, 2010 by 10 Comments
I love this post! You are so right! Our gifts and talents are not always seen by US because we think if it’s so easy, it’s can’t possibly be a talent! I am just waking up to that myself. I have been told by others that I am a good teacher. Never, never thought of myself that way. However, I am now beginning to teach online classes and guess what? They might be right! LOL Thanks for great insight! And, welcome to #blog30
Kevin, I agree 100%. I believe that most (if not all) of us have hidden talents that others see but we do not. In fact I think that others think we see them because they see us as such the authority in that area and they are surprised when we do not agree with them. I myself have had that happen. I have had people make comments about me being good at things and I am genuinely surprised because I never thought about it before. But then they are surprised I did not realize I was their go to person. 🙂
We could all use a reminder now and again to appreciate ourselves and what we bring to the table.
I look forward to future posts. 🙂
This is a great piece. I believe that everyone has a talent and knowledge to share in some way. Many people need to take the time to really assess themselves – even the gift of gab is a talent in the right situations! Running, cooking, building – all of these gifts are not given to everyone!
Thanks for the post and welcome to the challenge!!!
Oh Martha you are so right. I know that my status as a baby boomer is a new awakening. I am getting bolder about expressing my talents and strive to make them come out of the closet. I really feel like bustin loose!
And one of my talents is helping others to bust loose too!
Love this #blog30 better than a cocktail party!
Hi Martha,
Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us. It is always so exciting when you find a hidden talent. I am so excited to share this challenge journey with you and look forward to learning more about your teaching skills. Thanks for being so thoughtful to leave a comment.
Hi Cindy,
Thanks for sharing. It is such a great surprise when you discover what others already know about you. I look forward to finding out what others go to you for. It is so very nice to meet you and I look forward to future discussions. Thanks again.
Hi Gwen,
You are so right. Taking the time to make an assessment of ourselves is the one thing that we do not spend much time doing. But the return on the time invested in reflection is invaluable when it comes to identifying your hidden talents. Thank you so very much for your comment and I am so very glad to join you in this challenge journey.
Hi Rosie,
In my next post I am going to share a story about you. Be sure to return to see what I say about you. 🙂
Thanks so much for the comment and see you at the cocktail party 😉
Kevin ~
Your post reminds me of that old adage, “You can’t see the forest for the trees”.
And that old saying probably holds true for most of us! We go about our daily lives doing what we’re talented in – automatically and with ease – never once stopping to consider that some of what we do is a “gift”.
I’ve had more people than not tell me I’m a great “listener” and I have a wonderful “sense of humor”.
What you’ve written today has encouraged me to take a closer look at myself and really think about what my hidden talents are.
Melanie Kissell´s last blog post ..Men are Welcome
Hi Melanie,
I agree our talents are a gift. A gift that we all need to share with others.
Thanks for sharing yours with us.
All the best,